Feline ServicesDentistry
Dental health is becoming one of the most important preventative steps you can take to ensure your cats live a long, happy and healthy life.
Cat Dentistry Info
Here at Purrfurably Cats we offer a full dental examination and prophylaxis (cleaning). Cats will rarely show pain but an infected, broken tooth and inflamed gums (gingivitis) can affect major organs of the body, affecting the quality and length of your cat’s life. A thorough evaluation and cleaning can only be done under anesthesia.
We understand your concerns regarding anesthesia. Every cat undergoing a dental procedure receives a pre-anesthetic exam, lab work to assess the liver and kidneys ability to metabolize the anesthetic, an anesthetist continually monitoring your cat during and after the dental cleaning. Every patient receives an IV Catheter that allows fluids to be administered during the procedure to support blood pressure, hydration and body temperature. We will ultrasonically scale any plaque off their teeth and look for abnormalities above and below the gum line. We use one of the safest gas anesthesia on the market and also a reversible injectable pre-anesthetic drug. Your cat will be up and at ‘am within minutes following the dental procedure.
Digital Dental radiographs are taken whenever there is a suspicion of a problem tooth. Dental x-rays shorten the time that your cat will remain under anesthesia & help the doctor access the overall health of a tooth.
We are proactive in controlling the pain our patients may experience by giving a proactive pre and intra operative analgesic.
We will work with you to keep your furry friend smiling and healthy.